by Rogers Corporation
Each year, Rogers employees globally participate in acts of community outreach. While these events take place all year long, the spirit of the Holiday season offers many additional opportunities to help others. Whether through donations, fundraising, or volunteering, our employees know the importance of giving back to our communities. Let’s take a peek into a few of these seasonal outreach programs around the globe.
Arizona is home to our Global Headquarters, an Innovation Center, and several manufacturing facilities. For the eleventh consecutive year, Rogers Arizona employees have participated in the “Be a Santa to a Senior” program. Coordinated by Home Instead Senior Care, this program connects Rogers employees with a local group of older adults in the community. Each senior receives a gift from their wish list, plus a bag of additional small items to help make their holiday more special.
Helen Harrold and Karen Crawford take part in the “Be a Santa to a Senior” program.
This year, two carloads of large, festive packages were delivered to the Home Instead offices. Because of these efforts, many Arizona seniors had special gifts to brighten their holiday season.
Similarly, Rogers employees in Carol Stream, Illinois participated in their own holiday giving spree. The team at this location adopted two families in need, providing warm winter clothes, a holiday meal, gift cards for future use, and of course gifts, toys, and other goodies.
Two carloads of large, festive packages were delivered for the “Be a Santa to a Senior
Spreading even more of the holiday cheer, Rogers employees in Belgium joined in the nationwide annual “Music for Life” charity campaign. This campaign kicks off in September, with fundraising activities occurring throughout, culminating the week before Christmas in what is referred to as “the warmest week.” During this final week, three radio stations gather in a glass house for 7 days, playing listeners’ favorite songs for donations. Rogers Corporation has proudly participated since 2014, supporting a different purpose each year.
Conny De Backere, Sophie Vormezeele, and Caroline Grobet take part in Rogers’ fundraising efforts.
This year, two Ghent-based organizations were selected:
To collect money, employees joined in on a variety of fundraising efforts, including sales of hot dogs, soup, cookies, Azalea plants, holiday cards made by employees’ children, and more. To add to these efforts, Rogers Corporation then matched this contribution.
Christmas cards made by Rogers’ employees’ children.
The tidings of giving and cheer continued from our employees in China. For the third consecutive year, the Rogers Suzhou Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team supported the Dongran Migrant School, a school in Suzhou where the students are from rural areas. On December 24th, 2017, the team acted as “Santa Claus,” together with HSP Brain Education Institute, and brought the gift of a helpful workshop to the 48 teachers at the school.
Flora Zhang, Mr. Zhang, and Julia Miao from Rogers Suzhou Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team.
This workshop, hosted by a trainer from HSP, focused on “How to Improve Vitality and Action.” During the workshop, the trainer led the teachers to experience and understand the philosophy through various activities focused on delivering positive energy, having an active imagination, and improving concentration. The workshop ignited sparks of inspiration from the teaching staff and marked the beginning of applying this philosophy to their teachings. After the workshop, the principal showed his gratitude for the workshop and its impact on his staff. The teachers were also each given gifts of cooking oil, something useful that demonstrates Rogers’ appreciation for being welcomed into their school facilities.
At Rogers, we know it is people that power change. Whether it be volunteers in the classroom or engineers in the lab, we are proud to promote a culture that strives to make the world a better place. Thank you to all Rogers employees that spearhead and participate in these philanthropic activities. Your generosity is an important part of our culture and contributes greatly to our standard of Corporate Responsibility.
Corporate Culture
Published on Jan 11, 2018