by Rogers Corporation
For Rogers, green is more than just the color of our logo; it’s a way of life. That is why we invited all Rogers Corporation employees to participate in the second annual Share Your Acts of Rogers Green campaign for all of #EarthMonth.
By encouraging colleagues to share images of how they help and enjoy the Earth, we increase conversation and awareness on the importance of protecting and appreciating nature, every day. So far, employees have shared many images, including some of water management efforts, protected species and everyday acts of being green.
An employee in Arizona changed out his grass landscaping for this water-saving and desert-friendly xeriscape.
Point Defiance Beach in Tacoma, Washington, where clean-up efforts have been turned into Saturday social events.
While not yet an official protected species, honey bee protection has been a topic of interest due to a dramatic decrease in honey bee colonies.
Giraffes are one of the most popular endangered animals. Here, a Rogers employee visits protected giraffes on a preserve.
Almost every sea turtle species is considered Endangered. A Rogers employee enjoyed this one peacefully in its natural habitat.
A Rogers employee cycled more than 1620 Km (1006 miles) to and from work in 2018 to save on gas emissions.
Rogers provides plenty of designated bins to make recycling convenient.
Rogers colleagues cleaned the area surrounding their work location.
As a company, we are proud of our commitment to sustainability, which drives us to meet and exceed standards in the communities where we work.
For example, our air oxidizers are capable of cleaning up to 99.5% of contaminants in the air from our manufacturing processes before it is released into the atmosphere. Another example is the sorting areas at each of our manufacturing facilities. If scrap cannot be repurposed or reused, our teams can easily sort it for recycling. Our Roosevelt, AZ location recycled nearly 700,000 pounds of metal material in 2017.
Although celebrations specifically for #EarthDay2019 are exciting, the spirit of being green will live on at Rogers long after April 22. Thank you to all of our employees for celebrating by sharing photos and diligently protecting Mother Nature, at work and at home.
Corporate Culture
Published on Apr 15, 2019