by Rogers Corporation
Advanced Electronics Solutions, Elastomeric Material Solutions, Corporate
As our industry adapts to the evolving tradeshow landscape, many events have transitioned their “brick-and-mortar” presence to virtual trade show experiences as a way to connect industry participants in a socially distant world. Virtual shows and events are a viable and cost-effective option to generate additional engagement when traditional shows are not practical.
Virtual show events have become popular the last few years, creating a more personal experience on a global scale. Today’s virtual experiences include booth walk-throughs, educational sessions and real-time interactions with participants.
Virtual trade shows can attract larger global audiences, as they don’t require attendees to travel and there is typically no limit to the number of participants. Companies can engage with prospects anywhere, anytime on their desktop and mobile devices.
Trade show participants can visit virtual booths 24/7 and watch recorded training sessions for 30-60 days or more, depending on each show’s timeline.
Interactions do not stop on the last show day. Participants can revisit virtual booths, re-watch exhibitor presentations, access downloadable content and submit follow-up questions.
Participants can walk through “virtual” show floors by getting to an exhibitor of interest quickly from the comfort of their own work space.
No flights, no vehicle traffic, no disposable exhibitor materials mean much smaller environmental footprint when compared to “brick-and-mortar” events.
In this time of social distancing, Rogers’ commitment to connecting with industry partners and sharing actionable information remains unchanged.
In the next few months, we look forward to seeing you at the following virtual trade shows:
Our Advanced Connectivity Solutions team will be presenting the latest technologies enabling 5G wireless communication, automotive radar sensors, aerospace and other high-performance applications. Stop by our virtual booth, visit educational sessions and send us your questions. We look forward to meet you virtually!
At The Materials Show, our Elastomeric Material Solutions PORON® Comfort team will be presenting the latest in footwear comfort and protection technology. Visit our virtual booth for design information, networking opportunities and more.
Given the global impact of COVID-19, we made the difficult decision to postpone this year’s Preferred Converter (PC) Conference to ensure the safety of all attendees. Our annual PC Conference brings together Elastomeric Material Solutions customers to share application knowledge and meet Rogers team.
Our focus on delivering valuable information to our partners led to the launch of the CONNECTED Preferred Converter Webinar Series, a lineup of informative presentations that deliver application-focused content to our PCs.
The CONNECTED series included topics ranging from Automotive (EV Battery Applications, Thermal Runaway Management), to General Industrial (Medical Devices, Growth in the General Industrial Space), to Rail.
As regions across the world are gradually reopening, our industry is also preparing for in-person events.
Our Power Electronic Solutions team will be exhibiting at the Laser World of Photonics CHINA Show, July 3-5, 2020 and the Battery Show in Europe, October 15-17, 2020. Our Advanced Connectively Solutions Team is planning to exhibit at the Del Mar and PCB West shows in California this Fall.
The health and safety of our employees remain our highest priority. Rogers has been following the international and local guidelines in preparation for each show. Our team will provide updates about participation in upcoming industry events on our website and social media channels.
As we reimagine our future, we look forward to continue building stronger relationships with our customers and partners both virtually and in-person.
Published on Jun 22, 2020