by Rogers Corporation
The year 2020 proved to be challenging in many ways. In response, Rogers employees have demonstrated an inspiring amount of resilience and commitment. This remained true during the holiday season, a time often dedicated to creating joy and giving to others. Our Rogers colleagues did this while also maintaining a focus on the importance of safety.
First, our Rogers Arizona locations were happy to participate in the “Be a Santa to a Senior Program” for the fifteenth consecutive year. This program continues to be coordinated through Home Instead in-home care, an organization that offers care services to seniors and provides solitary seniors with gifts and necessary items at the holidays. In an effort to safely provide items to these seniors with pandemic precautions, Rogers employees participated in this program entirely digitally this year. Employees were able to order items online from a curated wish list. Gifts were then shipped directly to their recipients. In addition to gifts, necessity items like socks, lotion and blankets were also donated.
Next, colleagues in our Rhode Island location were given friendly COVID-19 safety reminders with a holiday twist. As an essential business, our manufacturing facilities have remained functioning throughout the pandemic, taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of each employee and their families. To remind each other of these enhanced safety protocol, two Christmas trees were decorated with COVID-19 safety rules including hand-washing instructions and how to properly wear a mask. These were put on display in the location’s lobby and cafeteria and were a fun way to freshen the important message of safety while adding some holiday cheer.
Next, Rogers employees in China were able to participate in their annual community activity of partnering with the DongRan Rural School. Due to safety precautions, the annual onsite seminar for teachers did not take place. However, the school was still provided with gifts for the teachers to encourage their next year of educating students in the rural area. In addition to this, the Rogers China team provided first-aid training to the community by giving demonstrations on how to use an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED). The community appreciated this opportunity to be prepared in case of such an emergency.
Last, all Rogers locations participated in a fun act of gratitude. Each year, Rogers employees recognize their colleagues through our Thank You Award program. To encourage extra participation in this program to brighten up the end of 2020, we introduced 12 fun digital Thank You Card designs to send along with the formal Thank You Certificate. As a result, we saw an increase in number of employees being thanked during this time.
While 2020 was by no means a normal year, we are proud that our Global Rogers colleagues still found ways to create joy and prioritize safety during the holiday season. We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2021.
Corporate Culture
Published on Jan 26, 2021