by Rogers Corporation
The official start of summer is almost here, which means people are heading outside to enjoy the sunshine and relax on much-needed holidays. At Rogers, we actively promote a culture where our highest priority is to “Live Safely.” Warmer weather and more outdoor recreation bring new opportunities to practice safe living.
Before diving headfirst into the season, take a moment to review the following tips for staying safe and healthy over the summer.
1. Stay Hydrated
Hot weather can speed up the rate water leaves the body, making it easier to become dehydrated. Dehydration is a potentially serious condition that can cause unclear thinking, mood changes, overheating, constipation and kidney stones. In the summer, keep hydrated by drinking enough water or beverages free from caffeine, alcohol or excessive sugar. Thirst isn't always a reliable indicator for the body’s need for water, especially in children and older adults. A better indicator is the color of your urine: clear or light-colored urine means you are well hydrated, but a dark yellow or amber color are usually signs of dehydration.
2. Follow the ABCs of Water Safety
More time spent in pools, oceans and lakes can increase drowning risks, especially for children. To prevent drownings, follow the ABCs of Water Safety: Adult Supervision, Barriers and Classes.
Adult supervision should be the first line of defense against drownings. Never leave children to swim unattended. A designated adult should always be present and free from distractions, including cell phones. He or she should have an unobstructed view of all swimmers while supervising. Barriers, such as pool gates, keep pools and bodies of water closed off from children and pets. Classes, including swim classes and CPR, can serve as backup defenses to prevent serious injury or death due to drowning.
3. Never Leave People or Pets in Parked Vehicles
Car interiors heat up quickly in the summertime. The interior of a parked car can reach dangerously high temperatures within minutes (even when windows are cracked), putting people and pets at risk of serious injury or death. Avoid distractions when leaving your vehicle and always double check for children or pets that may have been left behind.
4. Wear Sunscreen Daily
Spending more time outside during the summer can be great for mental health. While outside, adequately apply SPF on exposed skin to prevent the risks of sun damage. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, overexposure to sunlight is the leading cause of skin cancer and can result in sunburn and premature aging. A good rule is to reapply sunscreen to uncovered skin after two hours of sun exposure, especially after swimming or sweating.
5. Prevent Fires Outdoors and at Home
Barbeques, campfires, fire pits and fireworks are hallmarks of summertime recreation. When participating in any activity involving heat or a flame, take utmost care to prevent unwanted fires at home or in nature. For example, keep grills and fire pits at least ten feet from a house or building, ensure all fires are completely out before walking away and never leave something cooking or grilling unattended. For children and adults, never play with matches or lighters. Additionally, have proper adult supervision and follow all safety instructions when using fireworks. As a last line of defense, check the batteries in all smoke detectors to ensure they are properly functioning in the event a fire does occur.
6. Exercise Safely
Staying active over the summer is key to overall health and wellbeing. When exercising outdoors on hot days, limit risks of heat exhaustion and sun exposure by exercising in the early mornings and evenings when temps are cooler. Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing (as well as sunscreen if exercising in daylight) and bring extra water, regardless of time of day.
7. Learn CPR
CPR can save lives. According to the American Heart Association, the chances of a person surviving cardiac arrest while away from a hospital can double or triple if they are given proper CPR. Certain summertime activities can increase the risk of cardiac arrest due to drowning or heart attack. Training in CPR can prepare you to offer immediate help to someone in need while waiting for emergency medical assistance. CPR certifications are available through the American Red Cross or at many local organizations globally.
At Rogers, safety is the top priority. Rogers is committed to protecting its employees and communities by prioritizing environmental, health and safety conduct in all aspects of our business. Learn more and explore the latest Environmental, Health and Safety report.
Published on Jun 16, 2022