Success Story

Golf Clubs and Putters, Wedges and Drivers

General Industrial

The Challenge

Golfers take their sport seriously, having the right golf club is critical not only to performance but also to the "experience". When design engineers create new golf clubs they look for material components that meet the expectations of professional golfers. Some expectations include providing a specific sound after the golf ball is struck and reducing the vibration felt by a player's hand upon impact.

PORON® polyurethanes have been successfully used as gap fillers within different types of golf clubs. The ability of PORON® materials to resist collapse under compression sets them apart from the competition and adds to the life of the product. Not only do they fill a gap, but the unique PORON® material also helps in reducing the vibrational feedback a player may feel in their hands after striking the golf ball.

The Rogers Solution

The following PORON® Polyurethane material can be used as gap fillers and vibration isolation pads in golf club applications.

  • PORON® 4701-30 Grade (in various thickness)
  • PORON® ThinStik® Family


  • Excellent vibration isolation performance
  • Superior compression set resistance enables long-term performance
  • Functional across a wide temperature range (-40°C to 90°C)

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