Renewable energy technologies like wind turbines and solar farms require solutions that are smaller, faster, more reliable and more efficient. Rogers’ ROLINX® busbars provide a customized liaison between the power source and capacitors, resisters, integrated circuits (IC’s), integrated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT’s) or complete modules. Our curamik® power substrates provide interconnections and cool components within IGBT and MOSFET modules, carrying higher currents, offering higher voltage isolation and operating over a wide temperature range.

Renewable energy technologies like wind and solar also require Rogers’ Elastomeric Material Solutions for a variety of applications. Applications include but are not limited to gaskets and seals for electronic enclosures which house solar inverters, elastomers which enable reliable solar panel construction, and Thermal Interface Materials (TIM). Adjacently, renewable technologies are heavily reliant upon Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to operate effectively, where Rogers supplies a number of Elastomeric Material Solutions to enable BESS systems to run efficiently and reliably. These materials include PORON® polyurethanes, BISCO® silicone materials, DeWal® Venting Solutions, and ARLON® silicones.

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curamik® Metallized Ceramic Substrates

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DeWAL® Products

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PORON® Industrial Polyurethanes

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ROLINX® Busbars

Rogers Corporation’s ROLINX® busbars are the global industry leader. Laminated busbars are engineered components used for power distribution.

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