by Olivier Mathieu, Market Development Manager
Advanced Electronics Solutions
In today's blog you will find an interview with Sebastiaan De Boodt, who works for Rogers Corporation. Sebastiaan has a degree in electrical engineering and has worked in the ROLINX R&D department for 12 years as a material and power electronics expert.
What type of insulation materials exist for laminated busbars?
The main function of a laminated busbar is to have the electrical system as compact as possible, with 3D mechanical dimensions, and respecting the electrical requirements (voltage and currents). As all of the involved conductors need to have a maximum electrical insulation performance, the conductors are all laminated with a flexible insulation. For the lamination of these conductors, flexible films coated with a glue layer are applied onto the conductor during a temperature heat cycle. In this process the glue is activated under pressure to stick the film firmly to the conductor and create a sealing around the conductor edges, the goal being that this sealing will not be compromised even under the most critical atmospheric conditions. The glue is developed by the film coater to have not only a performant bonding but also a flame retardant behavior to limit the flammability of the complete busbar assembly (conductor insulator). The most frequently used flexible insulation material is polyester (PET) and has a clear or white appearance.
This PET material is an excellent fit for many of the busbar applications, as it generally several advantages:
Only for specific applications a higher performance brown high-temperature insulation is used: Polyimide (PI), which has an extremely high-temperature rating (RTI >200°C).
The white PET is the standard material for the lamination of busbars and brown PI is generally used for low voltage solderable applications the brown PI is used.
What is the difference between a flexible and rigid insulation? When do we use them?
Flexible insulations are applied for insulating the conductors to form the sub-assembly with optimal electrical sealing around the edges and through holes. These subs will be consequently assembled to form a full-blown busbar with the insertion of a rigid insulator, for which the thickness is dependent on the voltage requirements. The busbars are designed to optimize the critical electrical field (voltage divided by distance), otherwise known as the ‘Partial discharge requirement'. The typical design guideline is to have 1mm per kV voltage rigid insulation between the subs. This can be achieved by adding a thick rigid insulator (1- 6mm). A commonly-used standard solution is a rigid glass reinforced polyester, for which we use the internal name DM1. Therefore, the higher the (maximum) operational voltage, the thicker the rigid insulator in between the conductors. As an example: for a 3000V DC train overhead line the maximum operating voltage is in the range of 4800V, for this we use a rigid insulator of 5mm between the conductors.
What are important properties of insulation materials?
The main characteristics for insulation are RTI and CTI.
RTI: Relative Temperature Index according UL 746: the insulation maximum continuous temperature use. This is defined by the property keeping half its initial value: mechanical (elongation), electrical (electrical field breakdown) for at least 20k hours. For performance insulation, tests have indicated a lifetime of around 60,000 hours at 105°C, based on electrical breakdown tests. For higher or lower temperatures, the Arrhenius law applies: for each increase or reduction in temperature by 10°C the lifetime either doubles or halves.
CTI: Comparative Tracking Index, deals with the surface´s electrical quality of the base film material - it gives a measure for the sensitivity of the insulation of electrical tracking on the insulation surface under polluted conditions. This defines the creepage distance between free terminals and is a critical parameter for voltages beyond 1000V. Between a good CTI (PET) and a poor CTI (PI), the creepage distance typically doubles.
Elongation: How much insulation can be stretched before starting to locally dilute or tear (with no electrical insulation left). PET typically can be stretched over at least 100% and is easier in use. PI can only stretch 70%. Elongation is a critical parameter for sealing and closed molds.
Is there a difference between insulation materials for the industrial (high voltage) and automotive applications?
For industrial usage the performance requirements deviate significantly from automotive applications, which has an impact on the design and material selection:
For industrial:
For automotive:
What other insulation materials exist for insulating laminated busbar?
For single conductors, powder coating is a valuable alternative for laminated conductors as it is easier to seal complex-shaped conductors. These typically have no direct contact with other conductors (do not form a busbar) and insulation is slightly less critical, especially at the sharp corners of the conductors. It is not always easy to seal the conductors with an epoxy coating.
Thank you for the interview and the new insights, Sebastiaan.
Related Products:
ROLINX Busbars
Olivier's Twist Blog, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive & EV/HEV, General Industrial, Rail, Wind & Solar
Published on Nov 01, 2019